Why choose Burrell Arts for your child?

Students are immersed in comprehensive arts programs. Extensive performances and exhibitions give students opportunities and platforms to display their talents so that they become confident and develop their artistic potential.

Burrell Arts students receive 90 minutes of dedicated daily art instruction. Starting in 5th grade, students will choose an art focus to deepen their understanding and talent.

Kindergarten-4th Grade

Kindergarten-4th Grade

Learning Focus:Exposure

6th-7th Grades

6th-7th Grades

Learning Focus Exploration

9th-10th Grades

9th-10th Grades

Learning Focus Immersion

Performance/ Artwork Opportunities

Friday Community Meetings K-8 Campus

Each week, students will engage in a whole school community meeting where students and staff are celebrated for academic, cultural, and art achievements

Quarterly Aspiring Artist Showcases K-8

Each quarter, students have an opportunity to showcase their work from the previous quarter through our Student Showcases! Families are invited to attend and celebrate our aspiring artists' work!

Studio Spaces

Visual Arts

Visual Arts

painting, drawing, sculpture, jewelry

Digital Arts

Digital Arts

graphic design, video game creation, film



maker space; robotics; costume/set design


Theater Arts

acting, musical theater



ballet, modern, hip hop, jazz



vocal, instrumental